Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Blog 16: Advisory Meeting #2

How can music instruction most influence a child's ability to perform publicly?

Music instruction can most influence a child's ability to perform publicly by teaching them discipline on and off the stage. 

Positive reinforcement is one of the ways to teach a child discipline and is most applicable when teaching music in any form. There are always rehearsals where you can enforce a positive train of thought even when a rehearsal doesn't go well, but when speaking on performances this is different. Each performance is a stepping stone to another performance, so there is always room for improvement. There are going to be problems in a performance,but the way you word a negative statement can be positive to a child such as, " You didn't hit that high C at the end of the chorus, but I'm sure with more practice at the next performance you will be able to hit it perfectly!".
Also helping a child be a part of their learning of discipline as well as their peers keeps a child focused on the goal at the end, performing publicly. A child's mind in mold-able in their young age so anything said to them or taught to them is much easier for them to retain and reuse. Simply teaching them things isn't as useful; they need to be involved in their learning so helping a child develop their mind, to discipline themselves and help keep others on task is a way that music instruction can help a child.
To help teach arts related discipline more thoroughly also is something that isn't used a lot or required for every teacher but should be, which is the ITA Program. (Integrated Teaching Through Arts Program) Its the teaching of teachers how to integrate arts into their everyday courses and all activities. This disciplines the children to know that their teacher, the adult, and themselves use the arts in all situations of learning. 

Teaching Choral Music in the 21st century, my third interview with Amy Rodriguez and my first independent component, " Your Child's Strengths", "Voices from the Field", and several sources from Chorus America including "The Chorus Impact Study" helped me form my second answer. 

The discipline of a child can be given in any type of situation, but in an art motivated environment the teaching may be easier and more efficient for the child.The positive enforcement that an arts related environment surrounds a child with makes it longer lasting and more enriching to the child. It also gives the child the ability to learn with their peers or from their own experiences, which makes them a part of their everyday learning. 

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