Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Show days!

Lasst weekend Friday and Saturday were the show days, and boy what a weekend it was! Being a teacher's assistant/ teacher to the students is very tasking ( props to all teachers out there ) it seemed like such a long weekend, but it felt so amazing to see the kids so happy and joyful at the end... Even if the road there was extremely stressful!

These are from the rehearsals on Monday the 6th they had the set for the play set up in the fellowship hall so the kids could practice on.
This is a picture of the set, which is always amazing! There is more to it, like the floats on the right had side and other windows and signs that are able to be seen because they can only work in the theater itself.

This is a video of the boomwhacker number. (not the full thing of course) 

This is one of the rehearsal pictures when we were at the Baldwin Park Performing Arts Center, Mr. Billy is in the middle directing the kids as the three "Divas" sing "Let It Snow" on the floats (a part I once did *tears*) and the younger kids dance in front of them.

Rehearsal is an important aspect of performing, especially when working with younger children,  so there was a lot of it! Sadly I had to work backstage helping the kindergarten through second graders change and get on stage for their numbers, the teachers really needed help and they were thankful for me, so I wasn't able to see the show or get good video of it but I did ask a friend in the audience to get some clips so I'll be posting those shortly!

These are the kids I helped backstage; they are in their bird costumes,which they couldn't hang or put on for themselves, but how could you not help those faces. They opened the show! 

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