Thursday, August 29, 2013


Over the summer I worked with a few different groups of students but this was the oldest group of students(about 12-14) I had the pleasure of taking choir classes with and helping. This is a short video of an activity we had to do with the boomwhackers, its the song "That's What Makes You Beautiful" and we had about ten minutes to practice before this.
The students at Creative Planet, where I mentored, are very talented in singing, dancing, acting, and drawing and they can really take anything you throw at them, even making music. This is a small part of what I did over the summer; it is just a fun part of the choir class I participated in.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blog 4: Interview Preparation

1. I plan on interviewing my mentor Billy Rugh (Mr. Billy)  because he has been teaching voice for almost a decade, and he has also been a part of a choir so he has experience as both a vocalist and a vocal teacher. He's actually taught me since I was in second grade so I know him personally. 
(Mr.Billy is on the left)
  • Voice is a difficult class to teach, how do you manage all the different voices you are given?
  • What is the most important part of a vocal class?
  • In coaching a singer or class (good or bad) what is important to emphasis in a lesson?
  • Does experience being in both the teacher and student roles help you teach a class?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Blog 3: Topic Choice and Semester 1 ESLR Goals

1. My topic is singing.

2. In each component of the ESLRs I want to grow differently and I feel by the end of the year I can accomplish these goals.
In being a better iPoly Citizen I want to of course complete my community service hours which I believe I already have for the 200 hours, but in the senior project mentorship I'm hoping to do more, and go over the 60 hours. Also I will try my hardest to miss less school and stay healthy so my attendance and participation won't go down; both of these things will help me be a better iPoly Citizen. 
To grow as an effective Learner this year I want to utilize my teachers advice and help as much as I possibly can, I also want to participate fully in all academics and projects, but specifically in model assembly because it has had my interest since sophomore year.
I feel I need to focus on becoming an Effective User of Technology because I'm not that good at using different applications and things that I should probably know about. I will try to ask people for help as much as possible to make sure that when I use technology in my presentations it will be the proper format and work correctly.  
As for growing as an effective communicator I'm very excited and interested in the different events and committees we have to/get to participate in during senior year. The opportunities offered to us to help others in these committees really interests me, I'm looking forward to signing up and participating to my fullest in this aspect of senior year.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Blog 2: Mentorship


2. Billy Rugh
(626) 856-1710

3. What questions were raised because of the 10 hour experience?
- Does vocal training in a child help or harm their voice for the future?
- Is solo voice more helpful to vocal range than choral singing?
-Is it helpful for children to participate in voice?

4. What is the most important thing you gained from this experience?
The most important thing I gained from this experience was to watch the teachers work with and warm up the children. I never really knew how to properly warm up my voice before singing without a teacher's help but I got to see and record teachers as they did this.

5.How did what you did help you choose a topic?
This mentor ship helped me choose my topic of singing because it showed me how interesting and how much i wonder about the vocal chords and singing in general. I took classes in choir and in solo voice and they both interested me even though they are different in nature. Choir singing interested me in how the blend of certain notes work together and make perfect harmony, and solo voice caught my interest by how the vocal range in different for everyone and how you an stretch your vocal range and get past breaks in your voice.